Dec 23, 2022
Scientific American Magazine editor Tanya Lewis has come down
with COVID. This came as something of a shock to her since she
feels she has been EXTRAORDINARILY cautious for the past three
years, masking constantly while out of the house, taking all her
vaccines and boosters and generally avoiding any possible exposure
whenever possible. Yet she still got it, which means that maybe all
those precautions didn’t do her a whole lot of good.
Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger wonder why a science
magazine editor would be so oblivious about the science of
Plus segments on the latest whopper lie to come out of Joe Biden's
mouth and the "Twitter Files" revelations about the FBI dictating
to Twitter which accounts should be banned and otherwise
Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And
phone calls from Joe Biden and Alec Baldwin!