Nov 10, 2023
MMA fighter Jake Shields and political commentator Jackson Hinkle
have both found themselves running afoul of the censors at Twitter,
who have demonetized the two over their posted messages about the
conflict in Gaza. Shields has learned, in fact, that he was “ghost
banned” following a meeting of Twitter executives during which they
discussed ways to reduce both Shields and Hinkle’s prominence on
the site.
Jimmy and his co-hosting duo of The Convo Couch’s Craig Jardula and
Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Hinkle and Shields about
why Elon Musk’s free speech platform would seek to block Twitter
users from hearing their perspectives.
Plus a segment on author and activist Norman Finkelstein's scathing
takedown of an apologist for Israeli atrocities.
Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from
Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!