Jan 28, 2022
Last weekend witnessed a rare coming together of those on the left and the right, united in opposition to vaccine mandates. Jimmy and comedian The Greyzone's Max Blumenthal discuss the event and Max delivers the speech he had hoped to make at the rally but couldn't.
Plus segments on Whoopi Goldberg's attacks on Bill...
Jan 21, 2022
Turns out that the story about 270 "doctors" criticizing Joe
Rogan's "misinformation" that was widely touted by the mainstream
media was itself misinformation. Jimmy and comedian Kurt Metzger
discuss this epic swing and a miss from the corporate media and
many others.
Plus a segment on Dr. Fauci admitting that Jimmy's...
Jan 13, 2022
It's been a year since the #ForceTheVote campaign to pressure
progressive Democrats in the House to deny their vote for Speaker
from Nancy Pelosi unless she agreed to bring up a Medicare for All
vote on the House Floor. Jimmy and comedian Kurt Metzger reflect on
what happened to #ForceTheVote.
Plus Slate smears Supreme...
Jan 7, 2022
Patton Oswalt committed the cardinal sin of... taking a photo with his friend of 34 years, Dave Chappelle. In response Oswalt was raked over the social media coals, and delivered a groveling apology, promising to do better and expressing regret for all the harm he caused. Jimmy and comedian Kurt Metzger discuss...